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Monday 4 August 2008


It's quite common to have football issues discussed in different circles to the politics in a football club and some would say it becomes complicated when politics are discussed pitch-side - sometimes, arguably by people who may be mis-informed. Such is the case at Ringmer FC unfortunately with people talking about the current state of affairs at our club.

Lets have some clarity and lets be honest with each other. If the Directors’ and the Trustees’ would sit around the table and sort things out we could move forward. I like Richard Soan. I admire all he’s done for your Club. I like Stan Williams too. This is a man standing up for what’s right in his eyes. He gave his word to the fella who the pitch was purchased from that it wouldn’t be lost. I can only imagine that at one time they got on a lot better. The trouble is this - nothing is happening, Richard, whilst still a Director, will not pro-actively work with the club and will not (in my view) do a single thing to either ensure the security or on-going running of the club. Stan seems happy to let things run on and see where this leads us with what could mean disastrous consequences. Now these people will argue about the ownership of the pitch, which means effectively the club, the truth is that the MEMBERS own the club. All the people that think they’re in control are voted on/off to their respective positions and one now asks whether its time to call a MEMBERS meeting to either get everyone into gear or vote people on or off so we can get this football club back on track. We had enough people turn up to air their views when it was head-on and now I think its time for people to say “Ok, lets sit down with a cup of coffee and lets chat about the years’ of good times we’ve (you’ve) had and lets work this out”. Lets remember, on the horizon we have VAT payments and Health inspections to consider, to say nothing, frankly, of the very poor position we have put Trudy in - always uncertain if her employment is continuing.

On the football side (which apart from cleaning dressing rooms, organising officials, cutting grass, getting rid of skips, now watering pitches through August, washing kit, calling players, putting kit out before games, and clearing kit up after) its going ok. We need a reserve manager or we need to pull our 18s manager, Kev Wood, forward to do the ressies which will leave me and Louis to do the 18s I guess. I see on the Nomad site (which reminds me of a footballing equivalent to train spotting or those weirdo’s you see at the airport waiting for planes to crash) that they’ve all agreed that not only will we be relegated but we’ll be last. I love it when people make statements like that without any knowledge of the squad we’re putting together. Lets wait and see huh? Lets get out there and play and compete.
I’ll be glad when it starts and we can leave this other crap behind, albeit for an hour and a half. The last first team friendly is on Tuesday night 7.30 ko against Peacehaven. Come up and shake my hand will you? Directors and Trustees, get off your high horse and come to the football. We’re all getting bored with these playground antics.
Lets be allies together. Trustees, Directors and us ordinary people, its not too late but we’ve got to act now people.

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