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Wednesday 10 February 2010

News Archive 26/01/09

This is the third match thus far since the bad weather break and the third match I for one froze my proverbial nuts off! Southwick was warmed as we won, Selsey I didn't notice becausr the football was good, but last night I left frozen like the pitchthey played on.
We should have won going on last Saturday's evidence but alas it all went strangely breast's up! Joe's goal was a cracker and should have set the way but with a loss of momentum it seemed to go down hill from there on in.
I approached Bob tentatively to find out where it went wrong he answered:
“People say across the County League that we are far too good to be relegated but clearly our position indicates our true plight. Our players have got to realise that playing good football is not enough for us to survive on. Crowborough never gave up and we did. In the second half they wanted the win and threw everything at us and we didn't cope. I was really disappointed with our second half performance throughout the entire 11 players and particularly our midfield - their work rate being not high enough.”

“They call some games "must win games" and last night was one of them and we failed the test. We have players who aspire to a higher level when in fact they are not proven at this level yet. Throughout the side we have room for vast improvement. The desire to keep ourselves in front and win games is crucial to our survival and we have to have players playing with that desire and ambition.”

“We would now look to play a league game to right the wrongs but we now have two cup games. Perhaps we will be seeing players now with the correct winning attitude and show that they have the guts to get in there and fight for their survival.”

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